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Anterior Quest | Amalgam Bucket Directions

Steps for storing & shipping dental amalgam waste for recycling

(Note: do not discard the box that your amalgam recycling bucket came in)

Step 1

Notice the pre-paid shipping label on the top of bucket. Keep the pre-paid shipping label in a place you will remember so it can be used once the bucket is ready for return. Also Identify your initial date of use for your amalgam recycling bucket by writing it on the label located on top of the lid. (Federal Law states that an office my only store amalgam waste for 1 year)

Step 2

Open the locking top of the container by pressing on the red locking mechanism and turn counter clockwise.

Step 3

Use gloves to place your amalgam waste inside the plastic liner located inside your amalgam recycling container.

Step 4 (Per Two Operatory)

Once material is inside the plastic liner twist the top of the plastic liner to keep material inside.

Step 5

Close the container by placing the lid on the top of the bucket and turn clockwise until the lid is tight.

Step 6

Once the container is full, or you are approaching your one year deadline twist and tie the plastic liner inside the bucket so material is unable to fall out during transportation to the recycling facility. Turn the lid clockwise until tight.

Step 7

Place the container in the box it was originally shipped in and tape the box so the bucket is secured inside.

Step 8

Use the pre-paid shipping label that came with the bucket and stick it to the designated area on the outside of the box. If you have misplaced your return label please contact and we will supply you with another one.

Step 9

Give your FedEx driver your amalgam recycling box next time he stops by your office.

A recycling certificate will be emailed to you once the amalgam waste is received and processed. This certificate will be sent to the email attached on the original purchase of the bucket. If you would like to use a different email from the original one please let us know.